Monday, May 13, 2019

Life update: March 2019 and April 2019

Damn, have I been AWOL for two months? Let's fix that!
March 2019:
March was pretty quiet. I mostly kept my head down and focused on my studies. Slowpoke and I still talked, but I think she's going through another mental break unfortunately. I don't want to pressure her too much, so I have backed off from trying to contact her as often as I did. Sometimes people just don't want to talk, and I have to respect her decision. Pika's going good as well, I was actually at an MTG tournament hosted at the place we met 5 years ago. God, 5 years ago. Life is moving fast. The past 2 years have felt like 2 weeks. It's hard to believe I'm 20. She's 19. We can drink soon. As much as I've enjoyed this journey, I wish I could just slow down, and enjoy the people.

April 2019:
School finally got out. Though, not really for me. Right now I'm in a summer semester typing this, but the last semester ended in April. It went pretty well, I got three As and two Cs. I'm kinda nervous considering I want to go to grad school, but my current 2.5 gpa isn't going to cut it. So that's stressful. But my studies have convinced me that I'm in the right place. As you can see, studying history has gotten me off my ass to be more politically active. I'm more motivated than ever to create content than ever, and for the first time in a long ass time, I feel like I have a future.

Pika is coming to see me again! I'm so excited! She's coming for memorial day again, along with her family. Honestly, her parents and mine get along so much better than I ever thought, though that's mostly because her dad makes bomb-ass mojitoes. I'm so glad they feel comfortable in coming back, they're great people. Pika's boyfriend and her broke up because he was going through stuff, but this isn't like with machamp because they're probably going to get back together. He's the MTG dude, so I'm not concerned about him hurting her. At this point, I just want Pika to be happy, so whatever makes her happy is what I'm going to support.

Sigmarxism podcast!

So, I've been quiet on here for a while, but that's because I've been busy. I know some of you probably don't like my personal politics, but I enjoy talking about them! I'm planning on doing more to talk politics on my channel, and I've recently been involved in a leftist movement within the warhammer 40k community (and the nerd/geek community as a whole really), so I joined a podcast to talk about politics and tabletop gaming! Here's a link if you wanna listen!

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Life Update: February 2019

As usual, I'm a lazy fuck and am posting this at the end of March. Hey, better late than never, am I right?!

February was pretty uneventful honestly, I just worked on essays mostly. That and played magic to train for a tournament (which just happened, I'll fill y'all in on that good shit later).

The biggest thing I did as far as with my internet presence is update my website a bit (Shameless link here) and start work on an article about a potential Second American Civil War. I mostly did that because I'm just sick of idiots online armchair speculating about things, so naturally I decided to do that myself. Through research, I'm hoping to write not only an entertaining article, but also a fairly accurate one. I know you guys want the rest of 9 years 3, but again, its just hard for me to get myself motivated about that. I think my plan is to work on what I'm passionate about to stave off stagnation, and when I'm feeling up to it get back to old work I need to finish. It's been a long time coming, but hey, at least I'm making content?

On the Pika front, she's her usual self. She got a pet snake a while ago, which brings her pet count to some ungodly number. Still, I know she's got enough love to go around. She's always cared for me, I can see how she can care for so many other living things.

Slowpoke showed back up out of the blue (thank Christ) and basically explained she had a bit of a mental break. She just went full zombie mode, which is relate-able. I'm glad I didn't do anything too stupid when I was worrying about her, it just goes to show you that anxiety can take mundane situations and cause you to assume the worst. Though, we've only talked sporadically since her return, I just hope we can pick up where we left off. I have faith, and she's still adjusting to new meds, so we'll see how that goes by next life update.

Monday, February 18, 2019

Life Update: January 2019

January was back to business. My new classes started up, which was enjoyable. I've been reading a ton of books and writing a ton of essays. It's honestly strangely enjoyable doing schoolwork. I just enjoy learning about all this history and getting down to the nitty-gritty of analyzing it. I can see myself doing this for the rest of my life.

I talked to Pika, and she is officially dating the magic guy. I might have to come up with a pokemon codename for him some time, but for now let's go with the flow. I'm happy for her, watching her enjoy life gives me joy as well. She's been trying to get in a program at her school to go to Japan and make animation. That'd be sick if she did, because apparently at the end of the program she gets to pitch a show to Netflix or Cartoon Network. Seeing Pika's show on Netflix would be fucking incredible! Looking back, I'm glad I've been able to watch her grow as a person. She's no longer the shy girl I met at state; she's an outgoing artist who doesn't take any shit. I still can't believe its been 4 years...

My love life is a bit in turmoil. The girl I've been talking to, Slowpoke, has disappeared off the internet. Part of me is relegated to the fact she might not come back, but I'm always the hopeful type. After all, she said her new year's resolution is to spent less time on the internet, she could just be on a cleanse. She told me she doesn't ghost people multiple times, and I believe her. My worst fear is something happened to her, as she was always very talkative until early this month. I just hope she's alright. Still, I'm probably over-analyzing this. I guess I'm just worried because she left abruptly without warning. Then again, I've done similar things where I disappear without warning just because I forget to tell people what I'm doing. That's the most likely explanation. In any case, I wish she'd return, she was pretty awesome to talk to.

Also: I need to get off my lazy ass and do YouTube. I'm in the middle of editing a video, but I keep putting it off. Maybe it's because I need a push? I've been thinking about starting a Patreon so I have some people to be responsible to because they're giving money to me, but I don't want to start one and then fall through on my promises like I have before. All I know is I'm still enjoying making videos and I plan to for the foreseeable future, so stay tuned!

Thursday, February 7, 2019

2018 year in review

2018 was a good year. Changing my major, of course, was a great decision. I met some really great people this year as well. I'm happier than ever to be honest.

Down to business. Stats for this year is around 3,763 views on the year. Much less than last year and far, far less than than the 15,000 I wanted. Of course, I can't say I'm really surprised. I didn't finish 9 years when I said I would, and I dropped the ball on updating the blog midyear. Honestly, I thought my viewer drop off would be much steeper than that, considering I didn't link to the blog hardly at all this year. The best month was January with 887 views, and the worst was July with 77 views, but the views held pretty consistently around 200 year round. For all of you that still around, I appreciate your support through my inconsistency and incompetence.

So the podcast is still up in the air. It kinda fell apart because Pika still doesn't have a good mic, however if you guys want to see something like that, I'm sure we could figure something out.

I still don't have good enough internet to stream games, however I have been streaming debates through Non-Sequitur, and I think I prefer that. I get to nerd out about topics and argue; two of my favorite things. Plus Non-Seq already has a built in audience, so it works out better if I want to grow as an internet personality than streaming KSP for like 4 people on twitch.

9 years 3 has been a nightmare. After I finished it, went to publish, and found I didn't save, my momentum has been shot. It was hard enough trying to relive some of this stuff once, doing it a second time now is just a slog. I need to put it out, I made a promise to you all, but I just find myself much more invested in making videos and writing things like Once We Were Gods rather than 9 years. I just want to be over with it at this point, ya know?

The channel has been doing great, though. The CutCo video was very well received, and I'm almost done working on another historical video. The hope is to get production up and running and start churning out interesting videos that are well edited. The reception has really given me inspiration to continue on, as it just seems like people not only are watching the videos but wanting more. Audience is a powerful thing to a creator, and its great to see participation from you guys!

So that's all for this year. We'll see how 2019 goes, I'm just glad to be along for the ride with everyone here.

Friday, February 1, 2019

Life update: December 2018

I know its a month late, but fuck it, better late than never!

December was kinda uninteresting. I did all my finals, got all my  grades (I did ok, much better than before) and went home. Then I went on a cruise, which was nice, but I'd rather be hanging out at home.

I've been talking to a girl (we'll call her slowpoke) for a while, and things are going good!She's pretty great. She's quirky and fun loving, just the kind of person that you want to be around. I feel like I can be myself around her, and that's a hard thing to find. I'm excited to see what the new year holds, could this turn into something more? I don't know, but I'm hopeful!

Finally, I made some art for pika for christmas. Its a picture of her and her cat, Marshmallow! I decided to stylize it a bit. She really enjoyed it when I sent it to her. I know it's rough, but hey, at least I'm putting myself out there!