Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Game plan

Its been a while since my last update, but here is my game plan: I'm moving into my dorm room tomorrow, and if all goes well I will be done with 9years tonight and post the thread tomorrow. Then, hopefully I can get part 3 out next week. Thanks for waiting, I'm trying to make it worthwhile for you guys!

Saturday, August 12, 2017

Life Update: July 2017

July was really quite depressing for me. For starters, the fact that Pika wasn't coming killed me inside, and work made me miserable. I did a bunch of college stuff, but I still need to contact my roommate.

One thing that's been bothering me is my mother. She's been getting more and more pissy st me latley, barley wanting to talk to me. To be honest, I really don't care that much since I like being left alone and not harassed, but it still hurts to think that she truly hates me. I don't know, she's always trying to make me feel guilty about everything I do and makes huge mountains out of molehills, but all I can think about is college, pika, and work.

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Work day on Friday!!!

So Friday is first day I've had off from work/am not doing anything in a while! I'll be working on 9 years part 2 then, and hopefully part 3 will come out soon after, being much quicker to write because it is fresher in my mind. Regardless, at the very least expect the July life update tomorrow!

Saturday, August 5, 2017

Another day another deadline

so obviously Thursday didn't work out as far as deadlines go, I'm almost done with 9 years. but I'm currently out of town. I'm sorry for all the delays and excuses, life just tends to get in the way of everything. I'm hoping next week I can get it out. I hope you guys arnt too mad at me! Thanks for sticking with me through this, it really means a ton!!

Tuesday, August 1, 2017


Writing has been going well on 9 years, but I randomly have to work Wednesday and I can't make the final changes I need to to make 9 years great. I'm moving the deadline to thursday, and I'm hoping to stick to that. I'm excited to see what you guys think though!