Damn, February went by fast! This month was pretty eventful, and I've got a lot of info to fill I'll you guys in on, so let's get into it!
Firstly: videos. I've been working on my first video for a while, I just need to find out how to fix the echo on the audio because my dorm room sounds like I'm recording in a closet, but other than that I've been getting used to vegas so hopefully I can start making things faster. Also: Shadow Destiny live read number 2 is still TBA, in just trying to coordinate a good time to do it in the discord.
I've also started to dabble a bit in art. It started as doodling but now I'm just trying to improve myself so one day I might be competent at it. Pika's been egging me on this whole time, so she's happy I've gotten into it more. I'm promised to send her a bit of a drawing with her birthday present this month, and I might throw that up here when it's done.
As far as romance I went on a bit of another tinder date the other day. Thankfully she didn't blow me off, and I taught her how to play Magic for a bit. She seemed to really enjoy it, and I had a good time too! I'm hoping to hang out with her sometime this week, but she's so busy that might not happen until next weekend. Who knows if this goes anywhere, but I'm excited nonetheless.
College grades are actually looking good for once. Besides some hiccups in trig I've been more on top of my work and tests than ever before. I think I'm starting to get the hang of college, here's to hoping that my first experiences were just a rough patch!