Saturday, December 22, 2018

I was in a debate!

Even though the first debate fell through the second I put together is up for your viewing!

Sit back, relax, and enjoy the dumpster fire!

9 years 3 preview

 Let me begin where I left off... 

Part 3 
>The end of summer was bittersweet for me 
>It had been decided that my therapy with Professor Willow would end 
>We had our final session sometime during the summer
>Can’t remember if it was before or after camp 
>But what I do remember it was cozy 
>We talked about the future  
>How to deal with Mankey’s shit 
>”If you ever need me, feel free to give me a call” he said 
>We walked out into the parking lot 
>And gazed up at the stars 
>It was windy 
>And dark 
>But still the stars shone brightly over us 
>I assumed the worst of my bullying issues were over 
>Professor Willow was hopeful things would calm down when middle school picked up 
>We ran into one of his secretaries out there 
>Talked to her for a bit 
>And finally said our goodbyes 
>It felt nice to have him around 

>Felt even better to feel like I didn’t need him anymore 
>The future was bright 
>I had a chance with Caterpie 
>Middle school was going to be different 
>I just knew it 
>My mom finally came and picked me up 
>I felt a bit of remorse  
>I hadn’t told him everything 
>Truth was, I was afraid 
>Afraid he would tell other 
>Afraid he wouldn’t understand 
>Just afraid in general 
>Rumors were Voltorb would return in 7th grade 
>I knew things would flare up if that happened 
>I told him I’d call him if they did 
>But I was still keeping things from him 
>If I could change one thing about my life 
>Its that I would tell him everything 
>Fast forward to school starting 
>6th grade 
>This was going to be interesting 
>No longer did I have to deal with one teacher 
>I could pick and choose who I hung out with 
>First day rolls around 
>I get my locks for my locker 
>Get my books 
>The usual shit 
>Finally, I get to meet some of my teachers 

>One of the first ones I met was my religion teacher 
>Let’s call him Professor Oak 
>He was a quadriplegic dude 
>Got into a bad car accident on his honeymoon 
>Paralyzed fully from waist down, partially from his hands 
>But man was he a bro 
>Every day he would drive to school in his wheelchair 
>I’d pass him on the road on the way there 
>He would do like 35 in that thing 
>It was impressive 
>He was always such a jolly dude 
>Cracking jokes whenever he could 
>His insight into Catholicism was like nothing I had seen before 
>He could always find a way to relate the church’s teachings to us 
>Looking back, he was practically the only thing keeping me in the faith 
>That and strict dogmatism 
>He knew me from my sister, so I was familiar with how well liked he was from her anecdotes 
>He did the usual handing out of the syllabus  
>Made us sign it 
>Made our parents sign it 
>Yada yada yada 
>And then we moved on to the next class 
>The way the school was set up, the 6 middle school teachers were paired in blocks of 3 
>Social studies and Religion 
>Math and Science 
>Liturature and English 
>Each of these teachers would receive one class from a specific grade for an hour, then switch 
>So, that meant: 
>2 8th grade classes 

>2 7th grade classes 
>2 6th grade classes 
>And these would be mixed up between blocks as to allow the kids to interact with their friends more 
>And with their enemies 
>Social studies was up next 
>It was taught by a familiar teacher by the name of Professor Peacock 
>She was the old computer sciences teacher from elementary school 
>She moved away then came back 
>This time as a social studies teacher 
>Like professor oak, she was a bro 
>Knew a ton about history 
>Taught very well 
>Took no shit 
>Some of my favorite moments of that class were when she would call out dumbasses being dumbasses 
>It was glorious 
>She also knew me from my sister 
>She liked me because I had a good work ethic in that class 
>And generally enjoyed history 
>I don’t think it surprises anyone to learn I’m a history nerd 
>Looking back, she almost certainly knew about the bullying going on 
>And judging from her animosity towards Professor Snape, the vice-principal, I’m guessing she brought it up with her more than one time 
>But we will get to how Professor Snape didn’t give a fuck soon 
>But anyways, that brings me to my science teacher 
>Professor Juniper 
>Professor Juniper was, in a word, batshit insane 
>Hee looked 80 years old, but you could’ve told me she was 120 and I would’ve believed you 
>He should have retired like 40 years earlier>My favorite story from my sister about her was when he was feeling a bit under the weather, so she didn’t bother teaching 
>Everyone was goofing off after he gave them a handout to do 
>It was raining outside and some students had gathered up some tadpoles and put them in a jar 
>Suddenly he lifts her head 
>he screams 
>Everyone just laughed their asses off 
>needless to say, we did not get anything done in that class 

Couple of updates

As you all know, I was not in a debate the other night. Unfortunately, my opponent and I had a falling out (its a long story) but rest assured I did debate last night.

As far as 9 years goes, I will release the first part on the blog tonight, since I will be out of town until new years. I'll finish it up as I'll have plenty of free time. I’ll see you guys in 2019!

Saturday, December 15, 2018

I'm in a debate tonight!

I know I haven't been very political on this blog before, so if you're not interested in hearing this debate because fuck politics, I completely understand. I just wanted to try something new out and see how it goes. 

I challenged the grand old folks at r/debatealtright to put their money where their mouth is and actually take part in a structured debate. u/TheMythOf_Feminism took me up on the offer, and the Non-Sequitur Show has agreed to host it. The topic is the establishment of a white ethnostate in America, whether it is a good idea or not.

TL;DR debate at 8pm EST tonight on the Non-Sequitur Show, possible dumpster-fire.

The structure:
The debate will be structured like so: A brief introduction of both parties, then 20 minutes will be allocated to each side to state their claim, 15 minutes will be allocated to each side for their rebuttals, and 10 minutes will be allocated to each side for a counter-rebuttal, before breaking out into unstructured discussion. The Non-Sequitur Show will moderate.
The positions:
  • An ethnostate being formed in the U.S. would simply require the citizenry to have two of their forgotten rights to be upheld, one would be property rights in general and the other freedom of association. To actively these rights to any group of people that wish nothing other than to be among others like themselves requires an active subjugation of those involved for no other reason than personal selfishness, insecurity or actual racial hatred of white people.
  • An ethnostate is a planned form of governance and people that seek the preservation and control of a certain type of people, in this case on the basis of race or whatever white people see fit as justifying allowing entry.
  • Ethnostates in the modern age are fundamentally unsound. The United States has never been a white ethnostate and to advocate for such is laughable. Historical precedent shows huge flaws that plague single ethnicity states, and the establishment of such in the U.S. requires nothing less than genocide. Reactionary ideology fuels these ideas, and a fear of immigrants stretching back centuries proves its failure to accurately predict future crises and form policy counter to said crises. All in all, diversity is America's greatest strength, and to bow to our most tribalist fears will hurt this nation in the long run.
  • An ethnostate is a form of governance predicated upon the hegemony of a particular race. To maintain said hegemony, freedoms must be stripped from the people, thereby making ethnostates fundamentally totalitarian in nature.
I'm personally excited for this as I'm putting all my notes together and getting all my ducks in a row. I hope I can do you guys justice when I go to bat! Or, at the very least, make an entertaining dumpster-fire. See y'all at 8!

9 Years: 9 years of updates

Quick update: I lost a bunch of the story when I went to upload on Wednesday. I'm working on re-writes, so it should be up soon, but I've been focusing on my debate tonight so I should have it done by Sunday/Monday. I hate that whenever the finish-line is in sight, something always fucks up.

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Life Update: November 2018

November was kinda nice. I'm disappointed I didn't get 9 years III out on time, but at the same time super happy about my CutCo video. I'm planning on doing at least 2 videos over the break, (following the schedule I had made in like July-ish, I might make adjustments based on my own judgement), and the enthusiasm shown towards my previous uploads is exactly the kind of push I need to get it done. Thanks so much for the support! 9 years III will be coming out on December 12, unless I die or something. I just want to get this labor of love over with, I've dragged it on too long and I want to move on. All I can hope for now is that you guys enjoy it.

I basically worked my ass off all thanksgiving. I guess that's partly why I got my act together and finished my video; if I can make a meager living off You Tube, I won't have to go back to that god-forsaken place. Don't get me wrong, my boss and my coworkers are great, it's the goddamn customers that make me want to invest in a shotgun. Dear God, how can someone get so pissed off getting a 14 lbs turkey instead of a 15 lbs turkey. Oh no! Thanksgiving is ruined! Little Johnny is going to starve to death because the family didn't have that extra pound of turkey to give him! Give me a break. Honestly, I'm shocked I haven't snapped and just tried to strangle someone from over the counter. I think that says a lot about my self control. Or, the fact that I even have that fantasy probably says more about my mental state. Eh, take your pick.

Pika's been good. I haven't had a whole lot of communication with her this month, and I'm kinda bummed. Most of that is my fault, I just forget to text people back. I'm just concerned about losing contact with her, I suppose. My anxiety has really been acting up lately, so it's hard to not be worried about, well, anything. I know we would never knowingly just break off communications for no reason, but I get this creeping feeling I might do it accidentally because I'm a moron. Whatever the case, I haven't heard if she's dating the magic dude from a while back. I hope she is, he seemed like a nice guy and I just want her to be happy.

Speaking of relationships, I've been involved with one myself. I met a girl (off /r9k/ of all places) and we've really hit it off. I wanted to give her a pokemon name, but she wasn't too keen on the idea. It's taken all my willpower to not give her the worst name just to annoy her, as I know she's reading this (Hi!). Anyways, she's been really kind and receptive to my bad jokes. She's hilarious herself, and we can really play off each other. I've been very open about my insecurities and worries, of which I have many, and she's been super understanding. That's a super difficult trait to come by, so that's a very good sign. Being honest and venerable with her is easy. I hope this goes somewhere, but only time will tell. Sappy paragraph over.