Monday, May 13, 2019

Life update: March 2019 and April 2019

Damn, have I been AWOL for two months? Let's fix that!
March 2019:
March was pretty quiet. I mostly kept my head down and focused on my studies. Slowpoke and I still talked, but I think she's going through another mental break unfortunately. I don't want to pressure her too much, so I have backed off from trying to contact her as often as I did. Sometimes people just don't want to talk, and I have to respect her decision. Pika's going good as well, I was actually at an MTG tournament hosted at the place we met 5 years ago. God, 5 years ago. Life is moving fast. The past 2 years have felt like 2 weeks. It's hard to believe I'm 20. She's 19. We can drink soon. As much as I've enjoyed this journey, I wish I could just slow down, and enjoy the people.

April 2019:
School finally got out. Though, not really for me. Right now I'm in a summer semester typing this, but the last semester ended in April. It went pretty well, I got three As and two Cs. I'm kinda nervous considering I want to go to grad school, but my current 2.5 gpa isn't going to cut it. So that's stressful. But my studies have convinced me that I'm in the right place. As you can see, studying history has gotten me off my ass to be more politically active. I'm more motivated than ever to create content than ever, and for the first time in a long ass time, I feel like I have a future.

Pika is coming to see me again! I'm so excited! She's coming for memorial day again, along with her family. Honestly, her parents and mine get along so much better than I ever thought, though that's mostly because her dad makes bomb-ass mojitoes. I'm so glad they feel comfortable in coming back, they're great people. Pika's boyfriend and her broke up because he was going through stuff, but this isn't like with machamp because they're probably going to get back together. He's the MTG dude, so I'm not concerned about him hurting her. At this point, I just want Pika to be happy, so whatever makes her happy is what I'm going to support.

Sigmarxism podcast!

So, I've been quiet on here for a while, but that's because I've been busy. I know some of you probably don't like my personal politics, but I enjoy talking about them! I'm planning on doing more to talk politics on my channel, and I've recently been involved in a leftist movement within the warhammer 40k community (and the nerd/geek community as a whole really), so I joined a podcast to talk about politics and tabletop gaming! Here's a link if you wanna listen!