Sunday, October 29, 2017

Thread is up!

Hop on in guys!

Grand Prix postponed to Sunday And ammendments to stream schedule coming soon

Due to the fact I got sucked into playing Elite Dangerous last night, I'll go ahead and post the Grand Prix to /tg/ at 10 est tonight. I apologize for my stupidity/addictive personality.

The streaming schedule is also going to be amended. I just can't seem to be able to stream Saturday and Sunday mornings. More than likely those will be moved to the afternoon.

Sorry for all the confusion, and see you guys too!

Thursday, October 26, 2017

The Grand Prix posted on Saturday!

So, the greentext on my time at Grand Prix Orlando will be posted Saturday at 10pm est on the /tg/ board of 4 chan(since this story is a bit of a departure from the norm, I'm posting on /tg/ because I think it's more appropriate there). I wrote this on stream a while back and I hope you guys enjoy it! I'll see you there, and for those of you who don't make it, I'll grab a screen cap of it for ya! See you all then!  :)

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Streaming schedule official

Hello all!
So I've been streaming the past week and I must say it has been a blast!
I revised my earlier schedule, and so this will be the official schedule I will be going off of from now on(note: all times are in Est):
Monday: Writing: 5-8pm
Wednesday: Gaming: 5-8pm
Saturday: Gaming: 10am-1pm
Sunday: Gaming: 10am-1pm
If there is any change in this schedule, I'll post it on here on this blog or on my discord announcements (Click here to join).
Writing on Part 3 is underway, be on the lookout for updates on that!

Monday, October 9, 2017

Monday's writing stream moved to tuesday

Due to scheduling conflicts, I am moving today's 5-8 stream to tomorrow. I apologize for the inconvenience, just trying to iron out my schedule. Thanks!

Saturday, October 7, 2017

Today's stream canceled

due to scheduling conflicts I have decided to cancel today's stream. I do not know if tomorrow's stream will go through either, but Monday's certainly will

Friday, October 6, 2017

Thank you for 5,000 views!

Last night, I got bored and was checking my analytics, and I just realized this blog has passed over 5000 views! Whether you are new here or you've been here since the beginning, is like to say thank you! Thank you so much for listening to me, it means the world to me :)

Life update: September 2017

Life in college has been pretty easy so far. My classes aren't that hard, although I should really study more as I tend to get lazy and fall behind. Hell, I'm typing this in class so I'm already setting a bad example for myself. Oh well.

Tinder has been working pretty well for me. I made kind of a jokey profile and people seem to like it. I went on one date, although turns out she and Flareon hit it off more than her and I did, and now they have a thing. But hey, Flareon's happy, and I'm going on another date tomorrow.

So towards the end of the month I started streaming. It was fun, and I'm hoping to make this a regular thing. I'll be finishing up my sealed league on Mtgo on Saturday at 10pm est, and here is a tentative schedule moving forward:

Sunday 2-5pm est gaming stream
Monday 5-8pm est writing stream
Wednesday 5-8pm est gaming stream
Saturday 2-5pm est gaming stream

And that schedule is subject to change depending on what you guys like. I'll mostly be playing games like Planetside 2, War Thunder, Mtgo, PUBG, Rocket League, Overwatch and whatever else I can get my hands on. Sometimes I'll play by myself, sometimes with friends (namely Flareon and Jolteon). The writing streams I will not be writing for 9 years part 3 (as I want to keep that one a surprise for you guys ;) ), but rather another story I plan to post to /tg/ when finished called "Grand Prix Pokemon", detailing my experience at the Grand Prix Orlando and how Magic: The Gathering has helped me finally feel accepted somewhere.

Pikachu and all the rest are doing fine. I saw Sandshrew the other day and went roller skating with her, Raichu, and another friend. Sandshrew is still as adorable as I remember. We had a great time watching me fall down like a dumbass and take out some poor children. It was her birthday the other day, and I wanted to gift her overwatch but she was hesitant to accept it, mostly cuz I have no money now that I'm in college. We finally made a deal that I'll buy it for her when it goes on sale round Christmas, so I guess everyone wins! Clefairy is still around, her and I joke around on Snapchat mostly, I think she's dating someone but to be honest I'm fine with just being her friend. Speaking of dating, aperently the other day was national boyfriend day or something. Pika posted a bunch of stuff of her and Machamp on her instagram, which, not gonna lie, hurt. I don't know why but sometimes I feel like I'm still hung up on her, I'm just afraid I've missed my chance and no one will make me feel the way she makes me feel...

Wednesday, October 4, 2017


So I've decided to start streaming random games with friends just for fun. Join up if you'd like!