Sunday, May 20, 2018

Life Update: April 2018

April was much like March, and TBH, it went by so fast I barely noticed the difference between them. I finished up finals with a whimper as I didn't do as well as I wanted on them. I ended up failing trig, which pissed me off. I tried so hard for that class and studied my ass off, but in the end I still wasn't good enough. It really hurts, you know? I've always considered myself somewhat intelligent, but after doing horribly in school I'm not so sure anymore. Even more so considering its pretty much all I had going for me. If I am just an idiot, is there any hope for me? I don't know. I hate saying that, but it's all I am certain of at this point.

I'm officially changing my major to History, as I realized its what I enjoy more and it doesn't include a ton of math. I enjoyed doing that English project I shared with you guys, as well as an archaeology project I'll share later, and I really feel writing about History is  what I want to do with my life. I've already spent hours and hours writing for this blog and other stuff, might as well put that experience to good use, right?

Pika has had it hard. I mentioned her breakup earlier, but its gotten worse. Apparently Machamp and his friends got angry that she didn't feel comfortable being friends with them anymore, claiming she needed some space, and started giving her shit for it. That, and Machamp went to prom with one of her friends like a week later. She's pretty heartbroken, and I don't blame her. She tends to put a lot of love into her relationships, and to have Machamp just kinda give up on her has to hurt. She's been confiding in me a lot. She said we need each other right now, and with the way school's been going for me I couldn't agree more. She wanted me to come down to go to prom with her, but unfortunately that didn't work out. Pika is coming up to see me on Memorial Day, though. I'm super excited to introduce her to all my friends. As shitty as life has been, things are looking up.

As far as video making is concerned, I'm a little annoyed with myself. Memes of WW2 has been sitting on my hard drive half edited for months now, and I've just been too busy with school/lazy to do much with it. Now that I only have to worry about work, which is basically just having to worry about being on time, I can put my effort into this blog, streaming, writing 9 years, and YouTube. I'm hoping that by giving myself a strict schedule (which I will be posting soon) and sticking to it, I can stop neglecting you guys and give you the content you deserve. It's going to be a great summer folks!

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