Saturday, December 15, 2018

I'm in a debate tonight!

I know I haven't been very political on this blog before, so if you're not interested in hearing this debate because fuck politics, I completely understand. I just wanted to try something new out and see how it goes. 

I challenged the grand old folks at r/debatealtright to put their money where their mouth is and actually take part in a structured debate. u/TheMythOf_Feminism took me up on the offer, and the Non-Sequitur Show has agreed to host it. The topic is the establishment of a white ethnostate in America, whether it is a good idea or not.

TL;DR debate at 8pm EST tonight on the Non-Sequitur Show, possible dumpster-fire.

The structure:
The debate will be structured like so: A brief introduction of both parties, then 20 minutes will be allocated to each side to state their claim, 15 minutes will be allocated to each side for their rebuttals, and 10 minutes will be allocated to each side for a counter-rebuttal, before breaking out into unstructured discussion. The Non-Sequitur Show will moderate.
The positions:
  • An ethnostate being formed in the U.S. would simply require the citizenry to have two of their forgotten rights to be upheld, one would be property rights in general and the other freedom of association. To actively these rights to any group of people that wish nothing other than to be among others like themselves requires an active subjugation of those involved for no other reason than personal selfishness, insecurity or actual racial hatred of white people.
  • An ethnostate is a planned form of governance and people that seek the preservation and control of a certain type of people, in this case on the basis of race or whatever white people see fit as justifying allowing entry.
  • Ethnostates in the modern age are fundamentally unsound. The United States has never been a white ethnostate and to advocate for such is laughable. Historical precedent shows huge flaws that plague single ethnicity states, and the establishment of such in the U.S. requires nothing less than genocide. Reactionary ideology fuels these ideas, and a fear of immigrants stretching back centuries proves its failure to accurately predict future crises and form policy counter to said crises. All in all, diversity is America's greatest strength, and to bow to our most tribalist fears will hurt this nation in the long run.
  • An ethnostate is a form of governance predicated upon the hegemony of a particular race. To maintain said hegemony, freedoms must be stripped from the people, thereby making ethnostates fundamentally totalitarian in nature.
I'm personally excited for this as I'm putting all my notes together and getting all my ducks in a row. I hope I can do you guys justice when I go to bat! Or, at the very least, make an entertaining dumpster-fire. See y'all at 8!

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